
Jamestown Ferry_40

Jamestown Ferry 1 Conversation Jamestown FerrySurry, in Virginia, USA, is a tiny rural town with very little going on in it aside from one blinking caution light by the courthouse1. There's not even a McDonalds in the whole county.The nicest thing about Surry though is the Jamestown Ferry - two boats move back and forth across the James river from Scotland louis vuitton outlet Wharf on the south shore to Jamestown Landing on the north. This is the only way to get to Williamsburg franklin and marshall without driving 60 miles out of your way, but it takes almost as long.The ferry is a strange thing, not being as franklin and marshall permanent as chanel outlet store a bridge you can actually miss it. The pair even kind of back up all day, depending on your abercrombie and fitch perspective. They have schedules and they even have names2, but they are unpredictable throwbacks to a very different way of life.The ferrymen are not interested in fast trips. They take pains to avoid rough spots and prada outlet once you coach outlet online\ are safely cheap gucci handbags on board, the trip is entirely relaxing. You can get out of your car and look at the world, let the wind whip you in the face and you can get rained on.1Across from the auto parts store and the Feed and Seed, next to the Surry House of Fashions.2The Pocahontas, by gum.

