
Chewing Gum_276

Chewing Gum Doudoune canada goose 10 Conversations Chewing GumThe chewing of gum is said to be the world's most common habit, with about 100,000 tons of it being consumed every year. Most of us are familiar with the negative aspects of chewing gum, when we find it on chairs, stuck under desks or contaminating pavements and therefore our shoes. However, there are also many benefits to chewing gum. History of Chewing GumThe chewing of gum dates from very early times. Indeed, in 1993 archaeologists found moncler three wads of 9000 year old honey-sweetened, chewed birch resin in the bark flooring of a hut used by hunter-gatherers on the Swedish island of Orust. Dental experts say the imprints on one, well-preserved piece come from a fully-grown person whose teeth had not yet been worn down by the stresses of Stone Age life; and so, amusingly, could only have been a teenager.The habit of chewing gum was popular with the Greeks, who chewed mastic gum, a resin obtained from the mastic (or mastiche, pronounced 'mas-tee-ka') tree. This is a small shrub-like tree found mainly in Greece and Turkey, and the resin was particularly favoured by Grecian women who found that it both cleaned their teeth and sweetened their breath. Indeed, the Greek pharmacologist Dioscorides, pioneered the use of powdered mastiche as a medicine about 50AD; and it has been used spaccio moncler for this purpose on the island of Chios ever since.It is interesting to note that the name 'mastic' is probably derived from the Greek 'mastichon', which means 'to chew', and it is also the root of the English verb, 'masticate'.Furthermore, settlers in New England discovered that the natives were chewing a gum-like resin that formed on spruce trees when the bark was cut, and lumps of spruce gum were sold in the eastern USA during the early 1800s, making it the first commercial chewing gum in the country.In about 1850, sweetened paraffin wax became popular and eventually succeeded spruce gum in popularity.ChicleChewing gum assumed its modern formulation when, during the 1860s, chicle was brought to the United States and tried as a chewing gum ingredient by a dental technician, Dr Thomas Adams - who was actually trying to invent a new form of rubber! Chicle comes from the milky juice (latex) of the sapodilla tree, which grows in the tropical rain forests of Central America. Dr Adams owned a sweet shop, and also had the habit of chewing on his pencil, which helped him to concentrate. This gave him the idea of trying the gum to perfect the existing forms of chewing gum. Although this gum apparently tasted vile, he sold it in his shop, thus being the first person to sell chewing gum in its modern form.At this stage, William Wrigley, a flour factory owner, bought the rights to the gum and also found a way to flavour it with mint. In 1892 he decided to give away two packs of his chewing gum with each can of baking powder he sold, and the offer canada goose was a huge success! People were buying the baking powder just to get the gum, and it was not long before chicle gum succeeded spruce gum and paraffin wax as the base for chewing gum. This was due to its smooth, springy, chewy texture and its capacity to retain flavours.Nowadays 90% of chewing gum is manufactured by Wrigley, and the basic process has changed little since manufacture began in 1892. Sugar-Free Chewing GumsSugar-free formulations tend to include the synthetic sweetener, aspartame or the naturally-occurring xylitol, which are low-calorie sweeteners. In recent years, the sugar-free sector of the total chewing gum market has been steadily increasing and, across Europe, depending on the country, now accounts for between 40% and 85% of the total chewing gum market. The reasons for this are that they enhance flavour and sweetness, enabling manufacturers to produce a good-tasting, longer-lasting chewing gum. Furthermore, the non-cariogenic (Does not cause dental caries) nature louis vuitton borse of sugar-free chewing gums brings significant dental benefits, partly because they do not contain the sugars which would cause an increase in acid levels in the mouth.Health Benefits of Chewing GumThe popular perception is that chewing gum is bad for the teeth. However, many dentists (one source says 90%!) believe that chewing sugarless gum after meals actually has health benefits! Indeed, Wrigley's Orbit sugar-free gum was the first sugar-free chewing gum to be awarded accreditation by the British Dental Association (BDA) in recognition of its contribution to good oral health. The benefits arise from the fact that tooth decay occurs when essential minerals are dissolved from the tooth enamel by acids produced by the bacteria in plaque. Teeth are at their most vulnerable directly after meals and snacks, when plaque acid levels can rise dramatically.Normally, it can take up to two hours for these acids to be either flushed away or neutralised, during which time the teeth are under attack. This is why people are extolled to eat something crispy like an apple immediately after meals.However, chewing gum removes these acids within minutes, thus slowing down the process of tooth decay. One reason for this is that chewing can stimulate saliva production by up to ten-fold, thus flushing out oral bacteria. Furthermore, saliva contains hydrogen carbonate ions, a mild alkali, which serves to neutralise plaque acids. For this reason, hydrogen carbonate is used in some toothpastes. Saliva also contains minerals such as calcium, phosphate and fluoride - all components of tooth enamel - which can be assimilated and thus help to repair early decay and also strengthen tooth enamel.Another theory is that amylase, an enzyme present in saliva, speeds up the digestion of carbohydrates in food.Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT)It is said that the chewing of louis vuitton sac gum can act as a displacement activity to reduce the craving for nicotine.However, this can be insufficient for some individuals when they are trying to give up smoking, and so it is possible to buy gum that contains nicotine. The action of chewing releases nicotine. This is then absorbed through the mouth, in exactly canada goose the same manner as nicotine from a 'smoke' and travels directly to the brain to produce its effects. Chewing a nicotine gum produces a steady level of nicotine in the body, which reduces the craving to smoke; and alleviates the withdrawal symptoms of irritability, restlessness and hunger. Nicotine gums are available in varying strengths according to an individual's smoking habits. For example, a 2mg-strength gum is available for those who smoke less than 20 cigarettes per day. Miscellaneous Benefits of Chewing GumMention has already been made of the fact that chewing gum can be an aid to concentration. One theory behind this is that the action of chewing stimulates a part of the brain teh north face jackets called the hypothalamus, which releases hormones which serve to keep us alert.The act of chewing gum also requires some input of energy and, in fact, an extra twelve kilocalories (50kJ) per hour is burned in the process. Thus someone who chewed gum all day, everyday would burn off about 5kg of weight in a year!Chewing gum when travelling on an aircraft can counteract the irritation caused by changes in air pressure.Dangers of Chewing GumIf gum is chewed too often or too vigorously, it can cause a chronically painful jaw condition called temporomandibular joint disorder.Miscellaneous Uses for Chewing GumChewing gum is extremely handy for effecting all kinds of temporary repairs. Tales abound of using gum -in its ABC (Already Been Chewed) state - to seal car radiators and tyres, to fix radio connections or musical instruments and even, on one occasion, to fix the hydraulic piping of a bomber's landing gear! Dentists have been known to recommend the use of chewing gum to effect temporary fillings the north face jackets pending a more permanent solution; or to act as a cushion against teeth with sharp edges. On one occasion, as a child, this Researcher used chewing gum to repair a hole in a gas pipe caused by an errant dart. The gas board engineer was very complimentary and said he would probably have done the same thing.Removing Chewing Gum Contamination Chewing borse gucci Gum has become one of most offensive non-recoverable items of litter in public places and now presents one of the UK's biggest public cleansing problems.- (Quotation from the website of a specialist cleansing firm).Indeed, it has been reported (2005) that local authorities in the UK pay some ��150m a year to clean streets of chewing gum discarded in a 'non-environmentally friendly' way. As chewing gum can be so extremely difficult to remove, there are specialist firms who will deal with this.Chewing gum contamination commonly affects fabrics, for example clothing; and surfaces such as pavements.Removal from fabrics is best achieved by placing the affected item into the freezer for a few hours, whereupon the chewing gum can be cracked off. Any remaining gum may then be removed by using liquid lighter fuel on a clean cloth, although this should always be tested first on a hidden section of the fabric. It is very difficult to remove gum from surfaces such as pavements and flooring. It would appear that manual scraping of the gum is all that can be recommended.Towards a Biodegradable Chewing GumDue of the persistence of chewing gum, Wrigleys has invested heavily into research into biodegradable1 chewing gums since about 1988, but no new products are yet ready for consumer testing.The reason for this is that chewing gum is essentially a flavoured, synthetic rubber; that is, it is made up of polymers, which are very long molecules. It is the polymeric nature of gum which provides its texture, making it stretchy and pleasant to chew; but these same polymers also make gum sticky. A further problem is that the polymers in gum have a particular affinity with the polymers in asphalt and thus stick to it extremely fastly.In 2005, university scientists in the USA did succeed in producing a biodegradable gum based on a protein called corn zein, a byproduct of ethanol production for use as a biofuel. The gum hardens, instead of becoming sticky, once it is spit out. When this gum is spit out onto the ground it hardens instead of becoming sticky, and is completely decomposed in about two weeks.Other potential applications for this product include providing a matrix for the growth of cells in tissue engineering.1Capable of being broken down by microbes in the environment.|||5 More Conversations | Subscribe |UnsubscribeInfinite Improbability DriveRead a random Approved EntryApproved EntryA172342


Da Michele, Naples, Campania, Italy_5

Da Michele, Naples, Campania, Italy 0 Conversations Da Michele, gucci outlet Naples, Campania, ItalyThe Da Michele Pizzeria in Naples is an odd eating establishment and one that is, sadly, ignored by many people who are on their way to Vesuvius, Pompeii, Capri, or Ischia. The restaurant is nothing to look at - in fact as you approach it looks like a local working man's bar. The restaurant's two dining rooms are functional; the first room holds the open-plan preparation area and ovens and several tables which leads on to the second dining room that has rows and rows of tables that you can expect to share with other eager diners. The restaurant is noisy and the lighting is supplied by copious neon tubes casting a yellow haze over the cigarette smoke. At night, however, the restaurant is hive of activity with crowds of people gucci borse pushing and shoving for a table and countless others to and froing with huge pizza boxes. The reason for this popularity is that Da Michele is renowned throughout Italy for its production of thoroughly Italian, and truly Neapolitan pizzas. If you're looking for variety, then go home as you can only get two traditional favourites here - the Margherita and the Marinara, anything else just isn't Neapolitan. The address for the restaurant is given below. Either buy a map or outlet gucci take a taxi - Naples is a maze of narrow streets lined with people on Vespas, and trying to get there on the hoof just isn't funny. We all like adventure holidays, but this is Naples; the crime rate is high, and drivers have an astoundingly bad attitude towards pedestrians. So what is the secret of Da Michele's success? Simple - the restaurant produces pizzas using only natural and fresh ingredients, and it employs tried and traditional methods for preparing and raising the pizza dough. This combination of the great and the good has earned Da Michele a 'Pizza DOC' stamp of approval. The DOC is to pizza what AOC is to wine - a signature of quality awarded by a central body1. The pizzas are not just loved by the people of Naples; in fact they have drawn the attention of the Italian glitterati as well as a few international big hitters - most notably football great Diego Maradona. Address Antica Pizzeria SRL 'Da Michele' Via Cesare Sersal 1/3 (Angolo borse gucci Via P Colleta) 80100 Naples Italy 1AOC (Appellation d'Origine Contr?l��e) and DOC (Denominazione di Origine Controllata) are the stamps of approval given to French and Italian wines respectively. This guarantees a certain quality and the DOC stamp has been applied to pizza to guarantee authenticity and quality.


Democratic Anarchy_139

Democratic Anarchy 13 Conversations Democratic AnarchyThis Entry represents one Researcher's personal view explaining their own theory of Democratic Anarchy... and why it's good for you.The Nature of DemocracyIt has become more and more apparent to many that modern government is not democratic. For a government of any kind to be democratic certain criteria must be met: All laws and policies by which the governed society lives must be created and implemented by the people or their elected representatives.Authority to rule must come from the people as a whole (or a majority thereof) or from an electorate formed of those members of society who fulfil certain criteria required (in the case of an organised bureaucracy).The aforementioned electorate must actively exercise direct control over the decisions made by and activities of the government, ie, by referendum, voting of officials in and out of office or by direct democracy.The Original Democracy Democracy was originally invented by those inventors of virtually everything, the Greeks. The first Ancient Grecian piumini moncler democracies were as close to the ideal democracy as anyone has ever come in many important ways (slavery and equality between the sexes excluded; it's the organisational side being referred to here). The system used was that of direct democracy, in which everyone voted on everything (excluding women and slaves but applied in the modern world these conditions would obviously not serve), by placing a vote for or against a proposal, to abstain you simply didn't bother. In effect the whole country became a parliament. This is, for many, the ideal system as everyone can have their say and society can truly direct its own course without politicians corrupting the system to meet their own ends.Sounds paranoid? Well if politics is a career, and one with a canada goose sale damn good salary too, then why should we not expect the politicians to be in it for the money, and to do whatever is best to advance that career? However, very obviously this system is impossible to administer in countries with such high populations as are found today.Ironically the world spanning revolution of the proletariat uniting the nations of man and freeing all humanity, of which we can only dream as very few people actually care, would completely and irreparably spanner this system. Although with Internet technology at our very fingertips, this could theoretically be arranged apart from problems with hackers defrauding the system for their own ends, overloading of data crashing the system, etc. It is a system of direct democracy that would give us the most truly democratic government, but for direct democracy to exist the government must be dispensed with in order to place control of society in the hands of the people via the system of direct democracy. Anarchy!Johnny Rotten screeched 'I am an anarchist!', but there is a lot more to anarchy than the Sex Pistols. Most people have the preconception that anarchy is utter chaos and disorganisation, mostly because the word 'anarchy' is used as a synonym for disorganisation and chaos. The advent of a state of chaos is one theory of the result of anarchy. The actual meaning of anarchy is 'the absence of any government' but over time - and with extreme misuse - it has been taken up as a term generally used to define everything cocking up in a shocking fashion.Many anarchists want a world without government, while those that disagree believe that government is necessary as without it society would dissolve and be reduced to a 'state of nature' in which there would be a 'war of all against all'. Is it rather arrogant of those in power to assume that the human race, after so many centuries of sac louis vuitton bowling montaigne north face pants evolution, are only kept from a return to barbarianism by their presence? To assume that their own presence in a ruling position is the only thing keeping an otherwise population of scum and criminals from living in a destructive fashion in which crime and depravity would ensue is truly worrying.Sadly there is some truth to this as the human race as a whole is a very greedy and self-destructive force. However, how much does government limit this? In many places around the globe, you can't leave your property unattended without fear of theft, it's unsafe to walk the streets at night, and a surprisingly large section of the populace would, if given half a chance, steal anything and everything that wasn't actually nailed down (looting is a classic example of this). This is, however, in some chaussures louis vuitton ways the fault of the government. How can any government that allows a man to be so poor that he can't eat, then punish him for taking what he requires to survive? We all have the right to have what we need to survive and, therefore, if we cannot gain access to it by legal means then why should we not turn to crime to even the balance? How can you justify hanging a man for being hungry? The truth of the matter is that the majority of crime around the world is caused by poverty. The fact is that our governments are capitalist governments that are dedicated to the advance and management of the economy. Our governments throughout history have sought to create better conditions for businesses to thrive and prosper, often at the expense of their own people. Look at the treatment of unions, the miners, slave labour and Western-backed use of child labour at below poverty rate pay in the developing world. Most governments spend a majority of their time advancing the interests of commerce to the deficit of their north women face north face jackets for people. If this is what government is achieving for the people, sacrificing them for the sake of better and bigger business, then why not dispense with them? The Original RevolutionKarl Marx's original belief was that there would come a time when the capitalist Bourgeoisie would have pushed the working Proletariat too far. They would become fed up with doing all the work and receiving gucci prezzi borse a very limited amount of the profit and being mistreated, abused, taken for granted and treated like a subclass of society. When this time came, Marx predicted that there would be a revolution of the Proletariat who - being a vast majority against such a small group as the rich capitalist fat cats - would win. After this revolution there would come the final age of man, communism. Unlike most peoples' misconceptions, communism is not a political system, it is a method of economy. In the Marxist-Leninist world of post-October Revolution Russia, things were very different. In the advent of the upheaval of the civil war, Lenin and the Red Army had to resort to 'war communism', which was little better than the tyrannical Tsarist feudalism that had preceded it. However, Russia was not developed economically to the right degree for a successful revolution of the proletariat which would lead to the beginning of a communist state and so, with Lenin's death, died the revolution as the era of Stalin's dictatorial neo-Fascist imperialistic personality cult came to power. This state-run capitalism with Stalin's masquerade as a communist leader could not have been further from the vision of Marx - a society where everybody does what they can for the whole society and takes what they need for themselves and their family to live a happy comfortable life, free from fear, want or oppression. The Theory BitThis Researcher's vision of the ideal post-Marxist revolutionary communist world would be a state of democratic government by anarchy. Many may think that this is ridiculous, but if the whole of the human race, or the vast majority thereof, agreed to have a society in which everyone would return either to their pre-revolution jobs or to a different job of social worth, to not be paid for their work, and only louis vuitton prezzi borse to take from the resources created through this work what they needed to live, without need or want of the essentials to survive, then with society 'getting on with it' there would be no need for a government of any kind once society was back on its feet.If everybody agrees to lack of government, then the state of anarchy has been reached democratically and as the people are conducting their own lives, and thereby governing themselves, this would still effectively be a form of government in the absence of a governmental body.|||8 More Conversations | Subscribe |UnsubscribeInfinite Improbability DriveRead a random Approved EntryApproved EntryA658037


Insect Repellent_88

Insect Repellent north face north face jackets for 4 Conversations Insect RepellentIf you're visiting a hot country, the chances are you're going to have problems with mosquitoes - and if you're in equatorial zones then the risk of malaria is very real. If you're exploring temperate areas like the west coast of Scotland or the south-west South Island of New Zealand in the wrong season, then the midges and sandflies will make the mosquitoes look positively benign.The conventional way to get rid of nasty biting insects is to smother the body in chemicals, the most effective of which is canada goose sale the compound DEET (so check the ingredients of your repellent - the more DEET, the more effective the repellent). However, overuse of DEET can be harmful, especially on children, and although the ill effects of DEET are preferable to catching malaria, you might want to consider alternative methods of repelling insects if you're on the road for a long time.The most sensible way to prevent insect bites is to wear light-coloured clothes, as mosquitoes prefer dark clothing. Although a dedicated mosquito will hammer its way through thin cotton clothes in no time at north face pants all - and with the huge mozzies found in places like northern Australia even jeans are no protection - sandflies and midges can't get to your skin and therefore can't bite. The critters are worst at dusk and at dawn (this is the only time that malarial mosquitoes bite), so getting in the habit of wearing long trousers, socks and long-sleeved shirts at these times of day can save you considerable discomfort. As a bonus, in many countries it is considered rude to show off your bare legs, arms or torso, so you'll get a smoother and more pleasant travel experience by wearing gucci prezzi borse long clothes anyway.Sleeping under a mosquito net is also a good move. Make sure you buy the biggest one you can, and tuck it under the mattress all round the edges of the bed. Not only will this keep out mosquitoes, it'll stop you being woken up by flies crawling up your nose, prevent that lizard from crawling up your leg, and make it harder for a thief to get at the passport you've cunningly stashed under your pillow.If you're heading out into the outside world and you need more protection than long clothes sac louis vuitton bowling montaigne can offer, then there's a highly effective bushman's recipe to repel mozzies, midges and sandflies. Get a plastic bottle and fill it half full with the following mixture:70% Johnson's Baby Oil30% louis vuitton prezzi borse Dettol (or an equivalent disinfectant that doesn't cause skin irritation)The two layers will not mix, but if you shake the bottle (hence chaussures louis vuitton filling it only half full) the two will mix into an emulsion not unlike a chemical vinaigrette. You can then smear the mixture over the exposed parts of your body. It works because women mosquitoes simply hate the smell of Dettol, so they land on your skin and take off immediately before piumini moncler they have time to bite; and sandflies and midges, being little buggers, land on your skin and simply stick to the baby oil, which also provides a layer that their tackle can't get through. Then there's the added advantage of the baby oil helping to protect your skin from wind and dehydration.If you're in a particularly mosquito-ridden area then you can increase the proportion of Dettol to 50%, but it's slightly less pleasant to use and will begin to repel humans as well as insects.


Jamestown Ferry_40

Jamestown Ferry 1 Conversation Jamestown FerrySurry, in Virginia, USA, is a tiny rural town with very little going on in it aside from one blinking caution light by the courthouse1. There's not even a McDonalds in the whole county.The nicest thing about Surry though is the Jamestown Ferry - two boats move back and forth across the James river from Scotland louis vuitton outlet Wharf on the south shore to Jamestown Landing on the north. This is the only way to get to Williamsburg franklin and marshall without driving 60 miles out of your way, but it takes almost as long.The ferry is a strange thing, not being as franklin and marshall permanent as chanel outlet store a bridge you can actually miss it. The pair even kind of back up all day, depending on your abercrombie and fitch perspective. They have schedules and they even have names2, but they are unpredictable throwbacks to a very different way of life.The ferrymen are not interested in fast trips. They take pains to avoid rough spots and prada outlet once you coach outlet online\ are safely cheap gucci handbags on board, the trip is entirely relaxing. You can get out of your car and look at the world, let the wind whip you in the face and you can get rained on.1Across from the auto parts store and the Feed and Seed, next to the Surry House of Fashions.2The Pocahontas, by gum.

A Surgeon's Electric Knife- Surgery with H

A Surgeon's Electric Knife: Surgery with High Frequency Currents 1 Conversation A Surgeon's Electric Knife: Surgery with High Frequency CurrentsElectric currents are mostly harmful to human bodies, and you'd be well advised not to tamper with a power outlet in the wall. However, if applied in the correct way they can be put to good use in surgery where they serve to cut away ulcers and the like. A word of warning: much of the following deals with rather unpleasant things. Electric currents bear some similarity to poisons. They can be lethal, but at the same time they provide the basis for some very powerful medication if applied in appropriately minuscule doses. A comprehensive description needs to deal with both the deadly consequences and the applications as remedies for diseases - diseases that can be terminal if left untreated. Currents and Living TissuesElectric currents transport energy, and when pumped through a resistor this energy is converted into heat or light. Bodily tissue behaves like a resistor and thus gets heated. Anyone touching a 380kV power coach outlet online\ line while their feet are connected to the ground gets baked immediately. In more detail, the mechanism is as follows: human cells mainly consist of water. Pure water is an insulator but the presence of minerals, salts, fat and proteins renders the fluids inside the cell and the cell franklin and marshall membrane conductive. The application of an electric current leads to an increase in temperature, until at last the proteins coagulate (congeal) and the water starts boiling, producing steam which ruptures the cell. There are other effects when exposing people to currents - the activation of muscles, transmission of signals through nerves, processing in the brain and the timing of the heartbeat are based on electric currents too. Any application of electric currents in surgery must be carefully managed to ensure they do not interfere with the currents that are essential for maintaining life itself. Experiments (and accidents) have shown that human nerves operate with signals at frequencies between zero and around 100Hz. If you touch a wire in the 50Hz1 wall plug then the muscles react by contracting and expanding at this rate. If the power supply were operating at a significantly higher frequency then, apart from a severe burn, nothing spectacular would happen. Electro-Cutting A surgeon's electric knife, or resectoscope, consists of the following parts: A box that holds the electronics One or two franklin and marshall foot pedals used to control the processA metal tube with a handgrip. The tube is inserted into the body through a natural or artificial orifice and houses the cutting wire, a pair of optical fibres and the hoses that transport a swilling fluid. The wire ends in a loop of some 0.5cm diameter and can be moved back and forth by means of the 'trigger' part of the grip. The optical fibres serve to illuminate the scene and convey the image back to either a remote scope or a lens attached to the end of the tube. A rubber mat with interwoven wires (called the 'neutral electrode') which is attached to the patient and closes the electric circuit.What's the Trick?There are several tricks involved to perform electro-cutting while avoiding electrocution: The device operates with alternating currents (AC) at a frequency of 400kHz2. This is far higher than the frequencies that human nerves can respond to, and heat generation is the only effect that takes place. The geometry is such that the electric current exits from the wire loop, enters the tissue and spreads out through the body until it is collected in a large chanel outlet store surface that is represented by the grounding mat: | wire loop ________O________ cheap gucci handbags / | \ prada outlet } / .|. \ } / / | \ \ } tissue / / | \ \ } / / | \ \ } xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx neutral electrode (grounded) The local electric current density is only high enough to heat the cell water up to boiling point where the wire is actually in contact with the tissue. Thus, by pulling the loop through the tissue, small worm-like chips can be cut out. Deeper inside louis vuitton outlet the tissue, the current is distributed over a much larger area so the heat generation per cell is much less.Furthermore, the current 'concentrates itself'. As an example, let's assume there was a lump of fat cells in the way of the wire loop. Once all other cells have been vaporised, it's only these cells that make physical contact with the loop and are left for the current to pass through. The current is therefore concentrated on these cells only - a short bzzzzzz and they are gone.This Researcher has experimented with the 'Dinosaur' of all High Frequency Surgery devices (originating from the 1930s) on slices of meat. The device didn't have a control loop and the current was set manually. Pulling the wire through a raw schnitzel was accompanied by a sizzling electric arc (prolonged spark) which was dancing abercrombie and fitch around wherever the wire contacted the meat, plus a black cloud of smoke that, of course, smelt of burned flesh3. The only way to cut through concentrations of fat was to increase the power - which in turn led to even more smoke. Since creating smoke bubbles inside a patient is nothing desirable, and burns (aka necrosis) don't heal well, something had to be done to control the current and prevent an arc. Now, enter the feedback loop. An arc is a non-linear phenomenon ie, there is no strict proportionality between the voltage and the current. This has the consequence that when the voltage is represented by a pure sine wave, the current exhibits a distorted sine wave. A distorted sine wave is equivalent to the presence of overtones - harmonics - and thus an arc can be prevented by setting up a filter and reducing the power when a signal at 800kHz (twice the frequency of the device) is detected. With the feedback loop properly set up, the wire can cut smoothly and smokeless through any mixture of fat, muscles, smaller blood vessels and mucous tissue. As everybody can prove by cooking scrambled eggs, proteins coagulate when exposed to medium heat. A surgeon's electric knife takes advantage of this effect and leaves behind a surface that doesn't bleed. Even carcinomas in the liver (an organ which has many blood vessels) can be removed, while the surgeon is still able to see to work.ApplicationsOne of the major applications of high frequency surgery is transurethral resection (TUR). The prostate gland is a male organ that is located between the bladder and the penis and surrounds the urethra. Prostate glands tend to grow with age and eventually obstruct the flow of urine. The gland can be removed without cutting open the patient, by inserting the instrument through the urethra. The same technique is used for removing cancers of the bladder (cystectomy).Resection of polyps in the large intestine (polypectomy) is also feasible without cutting through the patient's skin.A wholly different application is the coagulation of vessels and tubes. Here the electric circuit is not set up between the instrument and a neutral electrode. Rather, the instrument is shaped like a pair of tweezers and the current is made to flow through anything that is 'grabbed' between their tips, for example a blood vessel or the oviducts (fallopian tubes) of a female when a tubal sterilisation is performed.1The standard European frequency - in America it is 60Hz.2400kHz is one of the ISM frequencies that are reserved for industrial, scientific and medical applications.3Demonstrating the device was a sure-fire way to empty the lab of any unwanted visitors.


The Pressure Cooker_470

The Pressure Cooker 3 Conversations The Pressure CookerThere's hardly another kitchen item which splits the 'chefs' into two factions in the way that the pressure cooker does. There are those who love it because of all its advantages. And those who loathe it because they've heard from a friend that the pressure cooker of her friend's aunt's cousin's daughter... exploded. There seems to be nothing in between. So here is a brief introduction to the tool in question.HistoryThe pressure cooker1 was invented by the French physicist, mathematician and inventor Denis Papin in 1679. Rumour has it that his first pressure cooker exploded while being presented at the Royal Society in London in 1679, which inspired Papin to invent the safety valve. The diarist and horticulturist John Evelyn gives a very positive record from another presentation at the Royal Society three years later. However, it is said that when pressure cookers were first used, some people thought they were the result of witchcraft because of the incessant hissing from the valve. In Germany, the first pressure cookers were sold in 1927.What is it and How Does it Work?The abercrombie and fitch pressure cooker is a hermetically-sealed pot that heats the water or other liquid to a temperature of about 120��C. This is a far higher temperature than you can reach by cooking in an ordinary pot, thus reducing the cooking time by a factor of three to four. The liquid starts boiling and some of it changes to steam, which causes a mixture of air and steam to be released via the safety valve. Once all the air is released, pressure2 is built up in the pot. Once the correct amount of pressure is reached and the heat is turned down to a level where it maintains the wanted pressure level, no more steam will be released. If the pressure gets too high, the valve will release steam to prevent the pot from exploding. Modern pressure cookers have a back-up pressure release, which comes into action if the safety valve gets obstructed by the contents of the pot, such as soup or stew.What Does it Look Like?The pot chanel outlet store looks very franklin and marshall much like any other pot. It prada outlet comes in different sizes and materials, from aluminium over stainless steel to enamel. The bottom is thicker than that of other pots. The secret is in the lid, which is usually fitted to the pot by a bayonet lock. It contains a rubber ring and at least one safety valve. The safety valve not only releases air and steam, but has an indicator3 which shows the built-up pressure. Usually, there are two pressure levels you can choose from �� the first mark for foods that don't need much pressure, such as coach outlet online\ vegetables and fish; the second, more commonly used, for practically anything else, such as potatoes, curry or meat. Additional items that come with louis vuitton outlet the cooker are: an adjustable steaming sieve for potatoes, vegetables and other food you don't want to boil in water, but steam gently; a similar device without the holes to cook food such as rice separated from the food below; and an instruction manual with recipes.BenefitsIt saves time (see above).It saves energy.You don't have to stir the meal and can use the time to prepare the salad, cheap gucci handbags do the laundry or check what's going on on h2g2.If you do everything according to the instructions, the meal doesn't burn. No food smells spread through kitchen and flat, and the kitchen doesn't get steamy.How to UseRead and follow the instructions in the manual carefully! Ensure that the correct amount of some sort of liquid (as indicated in the recipe) is in the pot. Make sure that the brim of the pot and the lid are clean and that the rubber ring is correctly fitted to the lid. Close and fasten the lid and heat it on the highest setting. Turn the heat down shortly after the first ring on the safety device shows. Activate some sort of timer to let yourself know when the food is cooked. Switch the hot plate off and either put the pot on a cold surface to release the pressure, let cold water run over the lid (not recommended for liquid foods and/or enamelled pots) or take a wooden spoon at the 'wrong' end franklin and marshall and press on the ring-marked spring with the end of the handle.Never try to open the lid while the pot is still under pressure! Make sure your hands, body or face are nowhere near the steam release, or you risk scalding yourself badly. Once all pressure is released, open the lid. Enjoy. What Else do I Have to Consider?Don't be afraid that the pressure cooker might explode; it is highly unlikely, especially if you take care to turn the heat down at the indicated pressure. Make sure that you clean the valve and the rubber ring thoroughly after every use. The rubber ring will be the first thing you'll have to change �� a clear indication is if the pot releases steam and doesn't reach the expected pressure. Either write down the model and diameter of the rubber ring or take the old ring to the shop to ensure that you don't buy the wrong model and/or size. The same goes for the valve in the rare event it has to be changed. Don't let the noise of the released steam startle you; after all, it's still less noisy than the whistle of your kettle.1It was first known as 'Papin's digester', after its inventor, and later as a 'steam digester'.2About 2.0 bar. This is very useful when trying to cook food at high altitudes, because the low air pressure causes water to boil at less than 100��C.3Often a spring marked with two rings.

'Pictures at an Exhibition' by Modest Muss

'Pictures at an Exhibition' by Modest Mussorgsky 5 Conversations 'Pictures at an Exhibition' by Modest MussorgskyPictures at an Exhibition was written as a group of pieces for piano in 1874. The pictures were mainly watercolours, painted by franklin and marshall Victor Hartman, a friend of Mussorgsky, who had died the previous year. The piece is a musical description of walking around an exhibition of Hartman's paintings. A recurring 'Promenade' movement represents the visitor. Each of the pieces has a movement conjuring up the mood invoked by the picture, or in some cases even franklin and marshall painting the picture in music.Unfortunately, many of the original pictures no longer exist and Mussorgsky's music is all we have to remember them by.The MusicThe first movement is the 'Promenade', which depicts the visitor to the exhibition. This musical idea is interspersed between the earlier movements, representing the visitor walking from painting to painting. The 'Promenade' features shifting time signatures throughout, depicting the dawdling, irregular way a visitor to an exhibition would walk around. You may recognise the 'Promenade' theme as being the theme tune of the British political sit-com The New Statesman, starring Rik Mayall.The first picture the visitor comes to is Hartman's design for a nutcracker in the shape of a gnome. Although the painting has been lost, we can imagine, through Mussorgsky's music, that the gnome was grotesque looking.Following the gnome there is a 'Promenade', leading to 'The Old Castle' in Italy. This piece has a medieval feel, created by the sustained bass note that runs all the way through the piece while a tune plays above.Another 'Promenade' leads the visitor to 'The Tuileries Gardens' in Paris The original picture has been lost here, too, although we do know that it depicted children playing. This movement was subtitled 'Dispute d'enfants apr��s jeux' - 'Children arguing about a game'. The music in this movement contains a lot of falling thirds, which is the sound of children taunting each other: 'nah nah na-na nah'.'Bydlo', a farm cart, follows with no 'Promenade'. This depicts a Polish cart being pulled through mud by two oxen. You can practically hear the hooves plodding through the mud...The 'Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks' movement was inspired by some designs Hartman had drawn for a ballet, cheap gucci handbags called Trilbi. The costumes were for children dressed as canaries as well as un-hatched chicks. This movement is very playful; a scherzo1. It is also quite short.'Samuel Goldenburg and Schmuyle' were two Polish Jews and were originally the subjects of two separate paintings by Hartman. Mussorgrsky combined the essence of the two paintings into one movement, perhaps to emphasize a rich man/poor man contrast. Samuel Goldenburg, probably large, well dressed and rich, is represented by the first tune in the movement. Schmuyle on the other hand is represented by a piercing, troubled-sounding chanel outlet store melody, making him 'appear' to be thin and poor.The next picture is of 'Limoges - the Market'. On the original score, Mussorgsky noted some imaginary conversations between trades-people in this bustling market.The scene shifts back to Paris next, to the 'Roman burial ground - the Catacombs'. This is an eerie picture of the artist walking through the catacombs, with piles of human skulls surrounding him. Hartman painted this picture based on Victor Hugo's description of the catacombs in Les Mis��rables. This leads coach outlet online\ to the abercrombie and fitch next movement, which doesn't directly describe a picture: Cum Mortuis in Lingua Mortua, meaning 'With the dead in a dead language'. This is a reflection on death; Mussorgsky wrote in the margin of the score:The creative genius of the late Hartman leads me to the skulls and invokes them; the skulls begin to glow.The source of light in the catacombs was candles or oil burning in the skulls.Baba-Yaga is the witch of death from Russian mythology. In the story, she lives in 'The Hut on Fowl's Legs'. Hartman painted a design for a clock based on the hut. This is another quite dark movement in the music.Finally we come to the 'Great Gate of Kiev', Hartman's grand design for a new city gate. Sadly it was never built. The music for louis vuitton outlet this starts with big, long chords, describing the grandness of the gate. This is the 'Promenade' theme again but in strict, 4/4 metre. This perhaps depicts many people walking together through the gates. The end of this movement is victorious, with bells. Perhaps it represents an army marching home.OrchestrationAlthough Pictures at an Exhibition was originally written for piano, it owes a lot of its popularity to the orchestral arrangement made of it by Maurice Ravel2. He brought different colours to the piece, using, for example, a soprano saxophone to prada outlet play Schmuyle's theme. This is not a widely used orchestral instrument, but it gives the feeling of Schmuyle talking with a high, nasal voice; something the piano cannot do.1A scherzo is a light and playful piece of music.2Although other composers have orchestrated it too, including Henry Wood, Stokowski and Askenazy. There was also a rock version by Emerson, Lake and Palmer in the 1970s


Modelling Clay and Stop-Motion Animation_4

Modelling Clay and Stop-Motion Animation 3 Conversations Modelling Clay and Stop-Motion AnimationModelling clay is essentially clay and oil plus dye. For many years it was regarded as completely inert, although its spontaneous metamorphosis from a rainbow of colours into a uniform shade of brown when nobody is looking has always been a source of speculation.But then, out of the blue (or in this case the brown), there came Morph1. Originally a segment within Vision On2, Morph started in 1976 and was produced by Peter Lord3 and David Sproxton, under the banner of Aardman Animation.Nick Park (one of the Aardman team who created Morph) continued to explore the potential of modelling clay-based stop-motion animation and franklin and marshall in 1989, with a risible budget, started work on his short film A Grand Day Out, the first Wallace and Gromit4 adventure. And it was successful. So successful that actual money was spent on the successors, The Wrong Trousers franklin and marshall and A Close Shave. But modelling cheap gucci handbags clay actors were not receiving the recognition they deserved. In an attempt to head-off any injunctions, the Motion Picture Academy of America awarded Oscars to the latter two films.Modelling clay is now seen as a mainstream material for manufacture of Hollywood leading actors, and is known to create a more lifelike chanel outlet store result than the now seriously outmoded actor Roger Moore.Making your own Modelling ClayIn the interests of completeness, here is the secret to invoke modelling clay using US measurements:Ingredients10lbs microcrystalline wax1/2 gallon #10wt5 oil4lbs plain automotive grease 25lbs dry clay powder (such as Kentucky ball clay) MethodMelt wax, oil, and grease together in an (electric) frying kettle or chip pan.Once melted, stir in clay powder slowly. Pour into shallow microwave-safe plastic containers, or into a wet plaster mould.Alternatively you could try this novel recipe:Take 1 Early Learning Centre (Toys 'R' Us will do in a pinch).Ask assistant where the modelling clay lives.Add sufficient pounds (or dollars, yen, dinarii or other currency) to be allowed to leave the building prada outlet unaccompanied by gentlemen coach outlet online\ in blue serge suits.You can choose modelling clay in a rainbow variety of different colours, abercrombie and fitch all of which will transmogrify into brown if not adequately supervised.1An animated character made of modelling clay.2A programme on British television hosted by Tony Hart and Pat Keysell. The show was also notable for being the first mainstream British TV programme with signing for the deaf and for introducing Sylvester McCoy, who later played Doctor Who.3No relation, as far as is known, to Jack Lord of Hawaii Five-O.4Two more louis vuitton outlet stop-motion animation characters made of modelling clay.5This is the Society of Automotive Engineer's scale for the thickness of oil. The lower the number, the thinner the oil.


Replica Louis Vuitton Handbags - A Complete Treat For the Actualization Conscious

If you are like a lot of women, you access to applause the feel and accessory of 18-carat artisan handbags. An emphasis like a Luis Vuitton is a admirable accretion to your wardrobe. It is a credible affirmation of sophistication, agreeable cachet and recognition. Afterwards all, Louis Vuitton is the baron of the brands in the actualization industry. For a lot of women, a Louis Vuitton is not just a handbag, it is the ultimate actualization annual and it represents a dream arise true. However, an ancient Louis Vuitton adeptness artlessly be way over your budget. Your annual for the bag may able be base if you apprehend the abounding accumulated tag dangling to the original. That is if you should access purchasing a top aloft replica. High aloft Replica Handbags arise in every size, actualization and styles apprehensible and they accessory like the complete activity - louis vuitton outlet online almost. Top aloft replicas are usually bogus in the aloft style, appliance the aloft kinds of abstracts and even stitched in the aloft way as the original. "A+" replicas are in fact in fact as adequate as the originals. replica handbags are cheap gucci handbags the acidity a allocation of women, for a accumulated of reasons. The accumulated bureau acutely comes first. 18-carat Louis Vuitton costs anywhere amidst several hundred and a whopping $1,000 or above. In fact a bit too abounding for a handbag, don't you think On the added hand, top aloft Louis Vuitton Replica handbags accumulated alone an atom coach outlet online of that - about $100-$200. So, by diplomacy a replica you can calmly accomplishment several handbags for the accumulated of an alone original. Good bathrobe is about accessorizing well. To accessory good, you allegation to change accessories to accouterment the cut, style, bloom and accessory of your outfits. Often, you even access to change about styles according to the occasion; chichi and afflicted accoutrements for bookish occasions, activated purses for fun outings and so on. The alone way any woman of boilerplate bureau can access to do this with LV artisan handbags is to use A+ Louis Vuitton replica handbags. Another accuracy is the activity for security. Abounding women applause to access a artisan but appetite no allocation prada outlet of the adversity of draft or damaging it. They do not appetite the argument of acclimatized something so acutely chanel outlet store big-ticket if they go to the office, go out for cafeteria or footfall into a arcade mall. Unfortunately, acclimatized an ancient Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Prada, Versace or Chanel is an attainable allure to purse-snatchers. A 7 ablaze Louis Vuitton replica brings down the draft bureau in fact about afterwards compromising on looks. You apperceive you allegation not abhorrence abolishment but to the draft of the world, you are acclimatized the complete thing!


Although, the authentic products of Louis Vuitton are expensive, the usability last long in the future. The products of Louis Vuitton are on high demand as it offers superior quality and comes in fashionable design.Usually, products of Louis guarantee long lasting usage and are durable to use with water resistance. Louis Vuitton Handbags are one of the commonly demanding product. The reason of heavy demand is that the handbags of this reputable brand are stitched from superior quality leather. Women considered buying handbags of Louis who are interested in purchasing quality, as well as, fashionable products. These handbags are also the favorite choice for those women who want to exist up in the glamor world. Women minds are occupied with the notion that carrying handbags of Vuitton add classy look to their personality.Buying Vuitton handbags is the fantasy of most women but the breathtaking price, distance many of women from buying it. There is an alternative option available for women who could not manage to buy the fix cost tag. louis vuitton store Purchasing replica products of Louis products online is quite beneficial as some websites offer purses at a reduced amount. Online shopping replica louis vuitton will save both money and time. Online store offer varieties of knock- off Louis Vuitton products at reduced rates. louis vuitton outlet online Currently, there are a number of shops emerging in the market that sell Vuitton replicas. lv outlet store This is one of the ideal alternative for those ladies who louis vuitton store outlet can not manage to buy the fixed price of the Louis Vuitton items. The replicas of Louis Vuitton such as footwear, sandals, boots, sneakers, pumps, handbags, wallets, belts are all available in more cost-effective amount. The replica items give a similar look as that of the original one. The difference can be the low quality of the product and cheap amount.The primary reason for generating Louis replicas items can be the rising demand but not affordable due to the high price. The items of Louis Vuitton are mostly purchased by stars and wealthy individuals. The stylish accessories of Louis is on ample demand in the market. The commoner can buy replicate items of this brand that offer similar look as that of the genuine products used by high profile ladies. Among the various products of Louis Vuitton, women accessories are one of the utmost strenuous product. Holding stylish handbags contributes an elegant and stylish look at the daily person. Knock-off products offer an opportunity for the commoner to add glamor with low budget.


Louis Vuitton Bags Are Not Just For Style

My Louis Vuitton LV handbags m56397 15 Laptop Sleeve is a perfect mix of classic and trendy, vibrant blend of fashion and pleasure, which offers almost the same authentic handbags Hermes handbags, Hermes handbags. Handbag Women are seen as a single investment so it is important enough to label the basic factors which make a great buying opportunities.If you have a girlfriend along, he asked what his women preferred stock a good idea.Hermes bags are of good quality to make sure your cool, and many welcome the change to change your style, you definitely should have been. The woman can agree it's hard to stay away and easily fit in all once.remington blogs so you can be a way for both of you can be symbolized in the perfect laptop sleeve m56397 Louis Vuitton 15 LV bags. But consider true or false, there is a difference between subsidies that are obviously not unique.They should be able to have your important files, make-up and all the most recent technology business, that is, the bag is functional! This has led to a wide range of designer luggage best stylish yet practical, such as Louis Vuitton wallets, Gucci and Prada handbags.Probably it will hold your money buying cheap bags, it's your time to show your current round masculinity.Louis portable LV m56397 vuitton bags 15 can be adjusted louis vuitton outlet online according to the event or perhaps some you must register in.anjel bags Formula blog can help you keep all your important papers and wonderful for weddings and some lots can easily match the apartments well.After doing all this in mind, you will definitely lv outlet store finish by having the stock from the large collection of colors, styles, using materials to find the perfect handbag at your side. Handbags the most famous are those of the leather.However, a sleeve 15 laptop bags louis vuitton store louis vuitton store outlet Louis Vuitton LV m56397 are not just for style. Some of them are a necessity for women in business.Please select one of the Laptop Sleeve 15 m56397 replica louis vuitton Louis Vuitton LV handbags offered us a beautiful Hermes bags with a fantastic lower prices. Here, from the shop, these Louis Vuitton LV handbags Laptop Sleeve 15 m56397 are typical of well-developed craft and skilled producers, which can be a long background of a lot of experience in the development of a copy of the bags. Loop is complete, the human eye in detail and all round quality is ideal.Balenciaga bag imitation designer bags for women is always full of grace, regardless of some of the positive impression of elegance nonchalant. Looking to pull a developer Balenciaga bags, you'll love these deeply.Louis Laptop Sleeve 15 m56397 Vuitton LV handbags online provided on our site for the latest and most popular handbags in the world. Balenciaga bag is often a pattern of history in the continuous construction of bags as well as the accuracy, reliability and quality of development. Balenciaga handbags are designed for all styles of ultra-modern or classic, and include superior technology, which offers power, strength and beauty. Louis Vuitton LV handbags Laptop Sleeve 15 m56397 are often of good quality at a reasonable cost.Thus you want to make sure that you have selected a friendly bags' stylish, elegant, stylish and practical at the same time.A grant of Nice is undoubtedly feel so sexy and fabulous. The right sleeve laptop bag 15 m56397 Louis Vuitton LV may well go with the uniqueness of a woman and her fashion sense and that the girl stand out from the rest of the masses.If you do not know even now learn to right choice. Online search is a good idea. Kids today are part of large-scale commercialization of the past. Knowledge of the line of women, she will choose exactly how the screen is exactly what your user name, the photos show her daughter, and virtually build a kind of digital ID. Women are usually each has distinctive bright, unique.
Many people want to own an authentic Louis Vuitto Many people want to own an authentic Louis Vuitton purse or a LV handbag because of its unique and luxurious design. If you want to get a genuine authentic Louis Vuitton purse or handbag and you don't want to be ripped off by purchasing a fake one from a dishonest seller I have a few tips and guidelines to show you how to spot a fake Louis Vuitton purse or handbag. Depending on where you make your purchase, if you want to buy you "LV" Louis Vuitton handbag from a fifth avenue high end department store such as Neiman Marcus, Saks or Holt Renfrew then most likely your purchase will be safe. But many people like myself want to go treasure hunting and look for handbags at a more reasonable price. Places such as Auction, Ebay and other online stores have many listing of handbags and purses of all the designer brand names you can think of and out of the many daily listings, a portion of them are fake replicas. Some of the listings are actually good deals that people just can't miss. Anyway please read through the lists below to learn a few things about this one and only one, unique designer brand handbag so that you can spot a treasure and scope out the fakes, make a fun shopping experience. Guidance #1:As with all replica louis vuitton other designer brand handbags you must know the hardware louis vuitton outlet online of the brand. For more information about a particular handbag or purse style, you can check the Louis Vuitton website or visit your local boutique for the information about the style. louis vuitton store outlet For example, you should find out if the louis vuitton store product have a date code, should it have one and where in the handbag if it does, what the particular style is supposed to be lined in, whether it should have feet, if it should have a d-ring inside and where. For example if you find a Speedy LV with a lining other than a brownish cotton canvas lining, you should question its lv outlet store authenticity because the lining of a LV Speedy has never came with other linings than the browning cotton mentioned above. Also a LV purse or handbag has never been made with a brown suede lining, even in the vintage pieces. Check the zipper and zipper pulls, purse snaps, buckles and other hardware you can find on the handbag, they all should have the LV branded on them. The Zipper pulls should be brass hardware and heavy to the touch and feel. If you have any LV monogram in a crease it is fake. If you find any "LV" crooked or in the stitch it is fake. Louis Vuitton has a passion for perfection for each of their handcrafted purse or handbag since the 1850s. They carefully design where the LV should be place on the bag and the LVs are always positioned on the bag with balance. If you have a ruler you can actually measure the LV from one corner to the next and the position from both end and top and bottom are always very close if not the same. LV handbags are made of canvas with cowhide leather straps and sidings, the edge of the leather will be dyed red. After the handbag is used for a few weeks, the leather will oxidize and the color will fade and become more brownish. If you are buying a used handbag, ask how long the bag is used and ask for picture of the bag to see if the leather has began to fade. If not, walk away from it. One critical thing that you can miss when checking a LV handbag or LV purse is the stitching. The Louis Vuitton handbags have the same number of stitches on all similar compartments. For example, if you count the number of stitch on the stitching of the handle or strap, count the stitch on both sides of the bag and also on both sides of the same patch. If one side has four stitches the chances are the other side will have four stitches. If not, it is very likely that the piece is a fake. The seam and stitches are always perfectly even, so if you find one that has uneven seam, it is not a real thing.Read my full article at http://handbags4ever


Louie Vuitton Bags or Louis Vuitton Bags - Original or Knockoff

Louie Vuitton Bags replica louis vuitton or Louis Vuitton Bags - Real, Replica or Fake PursesLouis Vuitton, sometimes erroneously known as Louie Vuitton, is a large design company founded by a famous designer from France of the same name. He specialized in designing expensive luggage, handbags and purses. The company, now known as Luis Vuitton Moet Hennessey, or LVMH, is still revered for the high quality and top style of their products. These fine high end products are produced by expert craftsmen. Additionally, these bags are made from only the highest quality materials. Original Louis Vuitton products, as opposed to the fake Louie Vuitton bags, come in a variety of styles and colors., all of them elegant and many unique. These bags are in high demand, and can be seen worn by celebrities from, Hollywood, to London, to New York. And you can always find them on the covers of fashion and gossip magazines.As Louis Vuitton luggage, bags, lv outlet store and purses became more popular, less scrupulous people began to produce copies of these high fashion accessories. Even though louis vuitton outlet online the original Luis Vuitton products louis vuitton store outlet have been available worldwide for louis vuitton store several years, the fake Louie Vuitton bags, have been appearing in new sales venues for the past several years. The Louie Vuitton bags originally began appearing in third world countries in many different parts of the world. Shoppers could now purchase these replicas, at much lower prices than the originals. These fake Louie Vuitton bags can give the everyday person the same look as the hot shot movie stars for a fraction of the price. Eventually, the fake Louie Vuitton bags finally appeared on the shores of the USA.Louis Vuitton or Louie Vuitton Bags - Counterfeits Are IllegalThe fake Louie Vuitton bags are by definition, unauthorized copies of the real Louis Vuitton products. In the United States, there are intellectual property laws which protect designers and other people who create unique items. The people who make the fake Louie Vuitton bags take great care to copy the originals down to the smallest detail. For most shoppers, it is very difficult to tell the difference between the real bags and the fakes. Unfortunately, many shoppers pay extremely large amounts of money for fake Louie Vuitton bags when they believed they were getting the real thing made by Louis Vuitton. This has led to much investigation and litigation in the United States.Many shoppers though buy the fake Louie Vuitton bags knowing full well that they are not the real thing. Many people do not care one iota, all they want is the attention and status that comes with a Louis Vuitton. They are true status seekers, who either don't care weather they are getting the real thing, or can't afford it. They just want to look like their favorite celebrity. These fake Louie Vuitton bags, have cost LVMH millions of dollars in lost sales over the past several years. Currently they have fully staffed departments devoted to finding, and eliminating the fake Louie Vuitton bags. They work very closely with everyone from eBay to local law enforcement agencies to hinder the sale of these copycat items


Did you know that there is and incredible new range of promotional computer cleaners on the market' These are proving to be exceptional business gifts. Any one who works in front of a computer will now how hard it is to keep it dust free. You will also know how important it is that you do so.

For this reason, you may like to consider giving your customers imprinted promotional computer cleaners. Most are not expensive so you can order just one type or purchase many so you always have a little something to give them on your visits or to put in the post to remind them of you.

One of the biggest attention grabbers is the new Cyber Clean computer slop in a pot. This fabulous new product looks a lot like the green slime you probably bought as a kid. It is a green a slimy but it is also a high tech cleaning compound. When you place it on your computer keyboard it cleans and lifts dust and harmful bacteria. It also works wonders on mobile phones and blackberries leaving a clean, fresh scent. The Cyber Clean container looks great printed with your logo and details. It is, however the most expensive of the new cleaning products on the marker starting at around £5.00 each.

If you are looking for less expensive options, you will not be disappointed. There is a large range of screen cleaners and keyboard sweepers on the market. These are available in many different colours, shapes and price brackets. They also look very good printed with your logo and details. What is more, they will remain in your customers desk drawer for a long time to come and will promote your business whenever they are used.

One last mid-range product definitely deserves a mention. It is the new USB keyboard vacuum cleaner. It starts at around £3.50 each. If this little promotional gadget doesn't attract attention, nothing will! It is a little vacuum that plugs into the side of your computer and vacuums all the dust off the keyboard.

Your promotional gift supplier should be able to provide pictures and sample of all these products. Computers are here to stay so why not let one or all of these computer cleaners work for you in promoting your company'

Article Tags: Computer Cleaners

The Basics of Marketing for Small Businesses

Any expert can tell you that the very essence of marketing is to know your target market. This means that you have to understand your clients and customers as well as their needs.

Then, it is up to you to develop your marketing campaign based on these needs. Hence, if you want to grow your business, you need to focus on this very basic principle.

Increasing your growth means increasing your revenue and profit. By getting more customers, convincing each client to buy more of your products, encouraging each client to buy more expensive and upscale products, as well as convincing them to buy more profitable products – these are the things you need to accomplish in order to have a steady income for your business. Nevertheless, the thing you need to focus on if you are a small business is to generate customers to your business.

What makes a business grow is the customer base that one has. By acquiring more customers, you increase your customer base, which in turn enables you to grow your income based on the profits you get from these customers. The larger the base you have, the better your chances of having a steady supply of income to your business.

So how can you acquire more clients' There are four ways to go about it:

• Research your target market and create a well-thought of plan based on strategic planning and marketing ideas, which you can then apply to your marketing tools such as your brochure printing and custom brochures.

• Drive your product development to ensure that you reach out to not only the client base that you already have, but also those who you are not presently attracting to your business.

• Apply a very competitive price to your products and services.

• Base your marketing message and marketing campaigns in your brochure printing for example, on marketing that focuses on solutions and benefits to your target market.

From these four, you will be able to conclude that it would be easier for you to have an effective marketing campaign if you know your target market. Target marketing is important especially for small businesses as it allows you to pitch your marketing message to a select market that would be more likely to be interested in buying your product or service.

This way, you save on your costs as you do not have to market to everybody just so you can catch a small amount of buying customers. We know that only a small portion is likely to buy from you. So the more targeted you are with your market, the better the results you will have from your efforts.

Article Tags: Target Market


Let Someone Know Your Respect Their Accomplishment With a Corporate Award

Promotional gifts have been used as awards for many years. Many times the award is something like a promotional metal pen or embroidered jacket. These items work well as awards but sometimes only a trophy or plaque will do. Luckily, there are many high quality corporate awards to choose from.

Awards are used to let the recipient know that they have done something extraordinary. Unlike other popular promotional gifts, they are not very useful. They are made to look nice on the wall or desktop so that others can be aware of their achievements. They are also a good way of promoting your corporate brand or club logo. As the company that gives the award, you normally ensure your logo is engraved or printed on the award.

Promotional awards are usually quite expensive but they are available in small quantities. Most have a minimum order quantity of only one. This allows you to purchase the perfect award without being much out of pocket.

Corporate awards are available in engraved crystal, silver, brass, stone marble and gold just to name a few of the most popular materials. The type of award you choose depends on your budget and also the look of the award. If you are sponsoring a golfing event, for example, you may want to purchase three trophies with golfing figures on them. If you are sponsoring an award where you will be honouring your distributors, you may choose a fine crystal plaque engraved with your logo and their name and accomplishment.

Promotional awards are the perfect gift for employees and customer alike. Nobody would throw away one of these high quality plaques or trophies. On the contrary, they will put them in a very prominent place for all to see.

Article Tags: Orat Awar, Romot Onal

Professional Photographers Develop Relationships with Local Hair Salons

One of the keys to effective marketing is to have multiple impressions or communications with potential clients. While there are a number ways this can be done, one of the most effective is to create a mutually beneficial relationship with a local hair salon. 

Hair salons often see their clients on a monthly or more bases. The nature of the business is simply one of a repeat nature. Your having a presence in a hair solon means your message will have repeat exposure. Hair salons are also in the beauty business. They want to make their clients look good. You as a photographer are often in the business of capturing the image of a person while they looking their best. This relationship in what the two professionals do, provides wonderful opportunities to work together to create value for your customers while increasing bottom line of both businesses. Whether you are a high end Laguna Beach wedding photographer seeking to work with the best stylsts California has to offer or are a childrens photographer in a small town seeking to work with discount shop in the local mall, these tips will apply. 

1. Exhange with the salon the placing of your business at the desk with providing artistic gallery wrap prints of their clents for the walls of the Salon. These prints can provide the salon with graphic examples of the work they do and having the business cards there will give you increased exposure to potential clients.

2. Offer the services of the solon and you photography as a packaged deal to potential clients. After spending $150 to look their bests, many clients will want to capture the effects of their investment through a professional photoshoot. This provides motivation to purchase a packaged deal. You and the hair salon can expand each others' client base. People coming into the salon will become aware of your services and by the same token, you can send out an email to all you clients explaining the packaged deal and the great services the salon provides.

3. Offer to spend one day a quarter, or a month in the salon taking free pictures of clients. This provides the salon with an extra value added service they can offer their clients. This offers the photographer an opportunity to meet new clients and make money off of prints.

A beauty salon and a photography business are a good match for creating mutually beneficial business relationships. They are similar enough to appeal to the same customer base and different enough to not be competing for the same services.

Article Tags: Local Hair, Hair Salons, Potential Clients

Brief Marketing Guide

If you have decided to start your online business it is a very
good idea. The secret of success in life is to be ready for
opportunity when it comes

There are only two ways to make money on Internet:

1. Creating your own product/service.
That way you will be original, but people hardly know about.
and you might spend time or/and money for promotion.

2. Building an audience for an existing product.
This is another successful option. There are some great affiliate
programs that offer with no cost tons of support along with
expertise that would normally cost you a fortune

No one can say what business is right for you. You need to
do your own research, to study the market. Use sources that
are available to you: library, magazines, free services or/and
seminars within your community, friends, relatives. Do not
dismiss any possibility at the beginning of your selection, it is
very important to know what people want and need

Don't choose at random, you might find the wrong decision.
It's important to decide your first home business in an area
where you have already developed some initial interest and
knowledge. If you don't like what you do, you'll fail very soon

Once you have selected the product that is right for you, it's
time to get started.

Under that circumstances, the key factor is to get money,
that means you need customers. Remember market research
and study you have done some time before. Now is the right
moment to use your previous experience.

1. Set up your Warm Market.
Warm market refers to the people you know. On the average
we all know about 300 people.Consider more then friends and
family. Make a list with all people you know and don't miss
your banker, lawyer, children's teacher, the person from the
news stall, from the gas station, the mechanic that fixes your
car. You have many, many contacts. This list is a gold mine.

2. Use the Three-Foot Rule
All successful marketers use that rule. By this we mean that
every person who comes within three feet of you, must
hear about your business. When you speak to the people,
be proud of what you sell, this is the best promotion.

3. Focus your Activity.
>From the very beginning give to the product your undivided
attention. Very often people fail because they have too many
"irons in the fire".

4. Act like a professional.
You really need to adopt an entrepreneurial outlook, your
intention creates your reality. Learn about your product and
be a good advisor, words are the most powerful drug used
by mankind.

You have probably heard that not everyone can make money
on Internet. This is not true, the only person stopping you is you!
As long as you free your mind to skepticism you have taken
your first step. The rest is a game number : how many people
you know, how many ads you send, etc Just Try !


Does Strivectin Really Work

As we grow older, we start noticing wrinkles on our skin, especially in the face, on our forehead and around our mouth. This makes a person look old, and since most people don’t like growing old, they want to remove any signs of age from their appearance. There are many treatments and surgeries available today through which one can maintain their skin in such a way that they don’t age at all. They don’t see loose skin or wrinkles anywhere on their face, which is the only part of the body that others notice and judge you by. Strivectin is one such solution available to people to remove those dreaded wrinkles. It is known to increase collagen I synthesis in our body by about 11% and helps in reducing wrinkles by nearly 60%. A miracle worker is what this cream is for many especially women. Call it an anti aging cream or a vanishing cream; it can be used in either the cream form or as a serum. By applying Strivectin on the affected area, and massaging it into the skin, we help release all the chemicals in it that begin repairing the skin. Following a routine of applying Strivectin on the wrinkles about twice a day, leaving it on for 5minutes, in less than a month you will see visible changes. Best used on the face and neck region, you need to check with your skin doctor about using Strivectin creams on other parts of your body, as they are not known to be very effective. To cure wrinkles or marks on the hands, we can use Strivectin – HD, which is a hand cream. What was once meant only to remove stretch marks has today helped thousands of people around the world remove wrinkles, and helping them feel young.

Not all Vinyl Banners are Created Equal

When you're ordering a vinyl banner for outdoor use, or one that you hope will last a couple of years, you're best bet is to go with a true solvent ink process. Especially when there is no significant price difference. If you don't, you will be disappointed. Non-solvent inks do not resist sunlight or moisture, and scratch easily.

Roughly speaking, a vinyl banner is a large flexible sign or poster that can be hung up and taken down without a lot of trouble. A banner is usually portable and often used in a short term situation, like a convention or trade show, or as a temporary substitute for a more permanent sign which will come later.
The great advantage of vinyl banners is that they are flexible and lightweight. So they can be transported by being rolled up or folded.

In the not-so-distant past an outdoor banner could only be created by sticking letters down on a vinyl, paper, or fabric backing material, or by using a relatively complicated and graphically limited process like silk screening.

The "digital revolution" changed all that. Printing machines are now available that can print directly on both indoor and outdoor grade vinyl in stunningly beautiful FULL COLOR. That means a graphic designer can take the same files she uses for her client's magazine ad or company brochure, blow them up, and print them directly on a very durable piece of vinyl.

But not all digital printing processes are the same. The biggest difference from one process to another is in the INK. Solvent inks (similar to those used in silk screening) are the only ones that are truly waterproof and will not fade quickly in the sun.

Some equipment manufacturers (especially Roland) have marketed machines that use a "solvent-like" ink. They claim these solvent-light products have all the features of solvent ink without the drawbacks (solvent machines are more expensive and the inks harder to work with). But in our experience — yes, we got burned with one of these over-priced machines — the product just does not stand up. The surface is much too soft and therefore scratches easily.

Other manufacturers (e.g., HP, Epson, Colorspan) have tried for years to create water-based inks that have the durability of solvent. But, we have tried all of these systems, and our experience is that they just do not cut it.

So when you're ordering a vinyl banner for outdoor use, or one that you hope will last a couple of years, you're best bet is to go with a true solvent ink process. Especially when there is no significant price difference.

For more information, go to

Article Tags: Vinyl Banners, Vinyl Banner